Sunday, January 20, 2008

Killed a maniac with TPTK

This was a sweet hand. I was dealt AKo, raised 5BB early-middle position, and was raised by a maniac zenzato (VP$IP 62 AF 3.19) 9.5BB, which I called. Judging by the raise, I put him on a face card with at least a half-decent kicker, or pocket pair.

The flop comes (4d, Kh, 4h), and I hit KK with top kicker. 

zenzato raises 30BB. I put him on a KK pair, but with my Ace kicker I feel confident I have him beat. I suspect he didn't hit a set or quad of 4s as raising 9.5BB with an A4, K4 or Q4 would be extremely bold, and quad 4 was just unlikely.

I raise 60BB, which he calls.

Turn is 2h, making a possible backdoor flush draw for zenzato. To be honest I didn't pay attention to this until someone pointed it out to me when reviewing the hand history. But even so I still had odds.

zenzato raises 60BB. This smelt more like a desperation bet... if I was in his position and someone called my pushes both pre-flop and on the flop, I'd be very cautious. He was probably banking on hitting his flush on the river, which would've been an uneconomic move, IMO.

I raise all-in. zenzato calls.

River comes in with Kc, giving me a full house.

Pot is won.


$10 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Sunday, January 20, 10:20:39 ET 2008
Table Table 127909 (Real Money)
Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 4: zenzato ( $25.01 USD )
Seat 7: SumOfAllFart ( $9.83 USD )
Seat 9: floyd_gehrig ( $17.35 USD )
Seat 1: DeBons555 ( $1.61 USD )
Seat 10: deL0rd ( $21.66 USD )
Seat 5: DerDude1977 ( $10 USD )
Seat 3: safran123 ( $1.92 USD )
Seat 6: L4dyAnna ( $1.89 USD )
Seat 2: talisman64 ( $9.68 USD )
Seat 8: Kardosex ( $11.04 USD )
zenzato posts small blind [$0.05 USD].
DerDude1977 posts big blind [$0.10 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to floyd_gehrig [ Ac Ks ]
L4dyAnna folds.
SumOfAllFart calls [$0.10 USD]
Kardosex folds.
floyd_gehrig raises [$0.50 USD]
deL0rd folds.
DeBons555 folds.
talisman64 folds.
safran123 folds.
zenzato raises [$0.95 USD]
DerDude1977 folds.
SumOfAllFart folds.
floyd_gehrig calls [$0.50 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 4d, Kh, 4h ]
zenzato bets [$3 USD]
floyd_gehrig raises [$6 USD]
zenzato calls [$3 USD]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 2h ]
zenzato bets [$5 USD]
floyd_gehrig is all-In.
zenzato calls [$5.35 USD]
** Dealing River ** [ Kc ]
zenzato shows [ Ad, Th ]two pairs, Kings and Fours.
floyd_gehrig shows [ Ac, Ks ]a full house, Kings full of Fours.
floyd_gehrig wins $33.90 USD from the main pot with a full house, Kings full of Fours.

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