Saturday, January 19, 2008

Bad call - calling all-in with 2nd best pair

Tsk tsk. I went all-in with the 2nd best pair on the board and lost. Unfortunatelly in these situations, when someone goes all-in, the rational part of your brain seems to shut down and you're overcome by simple greed, knowing you can potentially double your stack with a click.

I was in middle position, and was dealt QdJd. I've started to hate these marginal hands as they tend to cost me alot when I lose, and gain little when I win.

hesantiwoota, under the gun, raises 2BB, which I and a few others call.

The flop comes (7c, Qc, As), and I hit a QQ pair. I'm thinking it was probable that someone hit an AA pair as well. hesantiwoota raises 10BB. This should've sent alarms ringing, but this guy had a very high VP$IP (~75%) and very high aggression (4.17). I  assumed this guy was playing a Queen with a shitty kicker, judging by his low pre-flop raise of 2BB.

Feeling a little confident, I re-raise to 20BB to rattle him. hesantiwoota re-raises himself to 82BB, giving me the option to either call all-in or fold.

Being an idiot with 2nd best pair, I call.

My initial suspicion of him playing QQ was correct, but he also had an Ace with his starting hand as well and paired AA. I was beat and lost my stack.  I should start a new rule: only call all-ins with a set or better.

$10 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Saturday, January 19, 09:44:50 ET 2008
Table Table 128112 (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 3: hesantiwoota ( $52.79 USD )
Seat 5: NoWayOut_007 ( $4 USD )
Seat 7: MantaRay888 ( $4.30 USD )
Seat 8: m_sorensson ( $13.51 USD )
Seat 9: floyd_gehrig ( $9.40 USD )
Seat 6: Mike84Q ( $3.40 USD )
Seat 4: grzehu22 ( $9.90 USD )
Seat 10: CFCLanger2 ( $2.90 USD )
Seat 1: bertace ( $2 USD )
Seat 2: csibeszke111 ( $5 USD )
CFCLanger2 posts small blind [$0.05 USD].
bertace is sitting out
csibeszke111 posts big blind [$0.10 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to floyd_gehrig [ Qd Jd ]
hesantiwoota raises [$0.20 USD]
grzehu22 folds.
NoWayOut_007 folds.
Mike84Q calls [$0.20 USD]
MantaRay888 folds.
m_sorensson calls [$0.20 USD]
floyd_gehrig calls [$0.20 USD]
CFCLanger2 folds. 
csibeszke111 calls [$0.10 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 7c, Qc, As ]
csibeszke111 checks. 
hesantiwoota bets [$1 USD]
Mike84Q folds.
m_sorensson folds.
floyd_gehrig raises [$2 USD]
csibeszke111 folds.
hesantiwoota raises [$8.20 USD]
floyd_gehrig is all-In.
** Dealing Turn ** [ 3s ]
** Dealing River ** [ 8d ]
hesantiwoota shows [ Ac, Qh ]two pairs, Aces and Queens.
floyd_gehrig doesn't show [ Qd, Jd ]a pair of Queens.
hesantiwoota wins $18.48 USD from the main pot with two pairs, Aces and Queens. 

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